You've probably developed a model-driven app where you ran into limits or challenges and thought .... maybe I should have opted for a canvas app after all? Model-driven apps are cool, but not always flexible enough to solve the whole problem, by using custom pages the possibilities have become almost endless. However, there are also challenges in using custom pages. When and how do you use these custom pages and how do you ensure a good and consistent user interface? In this session I will use several examples and live demos to take you into the world of custom pages. How to create and use custom pages. How to add a good and consistent user interface that fits seamlessly to your model-driven app and how to build and use reusable components for your custom pages. Of course I will also share my experiences, tips and pitfalls with you during this session. After this session you will have a good understanding of how to implement custom pages. How you can use library components, Creator Kit or out-of-the-box controls to create a nice and solid user interface.
Working on the coolest projects @ DTNext. Crazy about the Power Platform. Loves to create added value with Power Apps. Enjoy working with other Power Platform experts. Every day is a new learning experience #StayHungryStayFoolish