Cathrine Bruvold
Point Taken
Power Platform Lead
💫 Master Custom Pages in Model-driven Apps

Session Abstract

This session will provide you with the required knowledge, nice-to-know tips and a *necessary* step-by-step guide on how to embed Power Apps Custom pages in Model-driven applications, including use of JavaScript in order to do so. The focus will be on various ways of building and implementing well-designed Custom pages, as well as interaction with data through Custom pages to ease user experience and access to information, initially reducing time spent on manual and tedious tasks for end users in some cases. Demo - You will be shown how to: ✓ Create Custom pages based on examples of use cases ✓ Briefly; create a Dataverse table and a Model-driven app ✓ Write JavaScript code for triggering a pop-up box and adding it as a resource to a solution ✓ Enable and configure the command bar (button) to handle input data using PowerFx ✓ Successfully embed Custom pages in the navigation menu and as part of a form as a pop-up Session level 200-300

Cathrine Bruvold

Power Platform Lead and Solution Architect @ Point Taken. Enthusiastic about Power Apps development of aestethical and functional apps, as well as solution opitimization and leveraging the synergies between the components of Power Platform.

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