CollabDays Bletchley Park 2024
25/09/2024, The National Museum of Computing
Bletchley, United Kingdom
Making features of M365 Migration Manager available to everyone
M365 Migration Manager is a powerful feature of M365, allowing data to be migrated at astonishing speeds into M365, but unfortunately, it is buried under the SharePoint Admin portal and unavailable to end-users. This limitation prevents templates. data migrations by end-users, who always must rely on admins to migrate the data or require a third-party tool.
But what if things didn't have to be this way, and we could design business processes and create capabilities to allow end-users to request migrations on demand without admin interaction?
In this session, you will learn how M365 Migration Manager can be paired with a custom application to offer end-users or even a third-party system the possibility of migrating large volumes of data into M365 using the migration capabilities of M365 Migration Manager.
This capability can be invaluable for many common business processes, like mass document scanning for content digitalisation, or cases where large volumes of documents are generated outside of M365 and need to be migrated regularly.