Krzysztof Kania
Power Apps Consultant / Solution Architect / Owner
Error-Free Solutions - Error Handling in Power Apps and Power Automate

Session Abstract

Building complex solutions that combine apps and processes is a challenging task. This complexity increases when developers must handle potential errors that may occur during the solution's execution. Proper error handling is not just about enhancing user experience - it also impacts the security, stability, and integrity of the solution and the environment in which it runs. After this session, you will learn: * How to implement error handling in Power Apps and Power Automate cloud flows * How to monitor apps and flows for errors * How to effectively debug apps and flows Inadequate or missing error handling makes solutions less user-friendly. No one enjoys an app that crashes without providing an explanation or a way to continue their work. Join our session to learn how to implement error handling the right way!

Krzysztof Kania

I am passionate about Microsoft 365, Power Platform and Azure environment with primary objective of delivering top-notch solution. My commitment to integrity and continuous skill development, and a focus on empowering both employees and organizations alike allow me to not only drive technological transformation but also excel in automating processes using Microsoft Power Platform.

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