Marko Šarić
Globallogic Croatia
Lead Software Engineer
Well-being developer after 40

Session Abstract

Biti software developer u četrdesetima trebalo bi biti ispunjujuće. Trebali bi već imati bogato iskustvo i duboko razumijevanje tehnologija, možda čak u ovoj fazi karijere ste i preuzeli neku od vodećih uloga u timovima i mentorirate mlađe kolege i oblikujete tehničke smjerove projekata. Sigurno već znate i u kojem smjeru se kreće vaša karijera i uživate u kontinuiranom učenju. Međutim godine donose svoje, kao i balansiranje profesionalnog i privatnog života, što može biti izazov. Različiti vanjski utjecaju kao što su stres, sjedilački način života, prehrana i sl. imaju u ovim godinama već veliki utjecaj na tijelo i um. Kroz mentalnu promjenu i uz pomoć tehnologije možemo značajno utjecati na to da se u četrdesetima osjećamo kao u dvadesetima. Na ovom predavanju ćemo pričati kako u četrdesetima zadržati fokus na karijerni put, energiju i vitalnost, čineći nas fizički i mentalno spremnima za svakodnevne izazove

Marko Šarić

Marko Šarić is a passionate developer, DevOps expert, and community speaker who loves to study and try various technologies in software development. He works primarily on Microsoft Stack, creating Web, Mobile, and Azure-based solutions. Through his carer, he has worked on various projects for domestic and international clients, has spoken at several local conferences, and is an owner of several Microsoft Certificates in Web Application Development, Cloud Platform, and Application Lifecycle Management. He worked in different roles, from a developer role to a development team leader, and also as a DevOps consultant by helping organizations to create a solid and self-sustained DevOps team and implementing the application lifecycle management process to empower Agile teams to collaborate better and ship faster. He is a big fan of the Apple ecosystem and loves experimenting with the latest Microsoft tools on macOS. When away from a keyboard, he stretches his fingers on the guitar or does miles through the dirt with a bike.

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