Mustafa Toroman is a technology professional and the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at, a company that provides a platform for organizing and managing events. He has over 20 years of experience in the IT industry and has held various technical and leadership positions in companies around the world. Toroman has a deep understanding of software development, cloud computing, and IT infrastructure management. He has expertise in building scalable and resilient systems that can handle large amounts of data and traffic. He is also a strong advocate for DevOps and believes in continuous improvement and learning. Toroman is a Microsoft Azure MVP (Most Valuable Professional), a frequent speaker at technology conferences and events, and also and a community leader organizing meetups and events. He is also a published author and has written several books on Microsoft technologies and cloud computing.
Crowne Plaza Belgrade
Beograd, Serbia
Neum, Bosnia and Herzegovina
03/12/2024, Crowne Plaza Belgrade
Beograd, Serbia
Cloud has many possibilities but also many traps. And believe us, we've seen it all. From huge bills, over wrong tools to security incidents... And any combination of it. Join us and see what the most common mistakes are and what to avoid on your journey to the Cloud.
12/11/2024, Travnik
Travnik, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Travnik je grad bogate historije i kulture, a it.reboot je jedan od dokaza da ne zaostaje ni u slijeđenju modernih trendova i tokova. Upravo zato, it.reboot ove godine ponosno najavljuje jednu veliku novost – panel „Travničke IT priče“, koji okuplja stručnjake iz vodećih IT firmi u BiH, regiji i svijetu, sa jednom zajedničkom karakteristikom - njihovi korijeni su u Travniku. Zadovoljstvo nam je što će naši uspješni sugrađani podijeliti sa vama priče o svom uspjehu u IT industriji, koje su zasigurno dio ponosa našeg grada.
12/11/2024, Travnik
Travnik, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Od brušenih kartica do online servisa, način isporuke softvera se dosta promijenio. Nekada se softver razvijao godinama prije isporuke, danas je akcenat na brzini. Ali šta to sve znači? Na koje detalje moramo paziti kada isporučujemo softver? Kako radimo isporuku? Da li postoje skrivene zamke? Na ovom predavanju Mustafa Toroman, stručnjak sa dugogodišnjim iskustvom, će odgovoriti na ova i mnoga druga pitanja.
23/10/2024, Neum
Neum, Bosnia and Herzegovina
In software development, we like to recognize good choices and identify them as patterns. This leads into implementing these patterns as best practices. But as we have good choices, we have bad choices as well. We identify them as antipatterns in order to avoid them in future projects. If you identify them in time, you can avoid them on your next project. Come and check what warning signs you need to look for!
23/10/2024, Neum
Neum, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Otvaranje konferencije
19/10/2024, BluePoint Brussels-Conference & Business Centre
Brussel, Belgium
Threat hunters possess impressive skills, a willingness to learn and adapt, and a constant vigilance for potential threats, much like wilderness survival experts. Adversaries are becoming increasingly skilled at infiltrating networks and remaining undetected for extended periods, sometimes weeks or months, in order to gather information and elevate their privileges. Surviving a human-operated attack requires the ability to recognize signs of the attacker and their activities. These indicators are useful for determining the extent of the breach and identifying the assets that require remediation. These warning signs may encompass both visible and invisible elements. In cybersecurity, these anomalies may include the sudden disappearance or alteration of elements in your environment that are different from what you typically encounter. Join this exciting session where we will dissect a typical attack paths attackers might take, find out about Microsoft’s security arsenal to deal with these attacks and malicious actors, and discover how you can protect yourself in situations like these.
23/09/2024, Portoroz
Portoroz, Slovenia
Security is integrated in every part of Azure but with a shared responsibility model. Microsoft takes part of some security aspects and enables us to take care of the rest. Every Azure service has security features built in and we have services that are dedicated solely to security. Combining these features and services can bring to rock-solid Azure tenant with no security holes. Come and see how to do it yourself and build a safe Azure environment!
21/09/2024, Isep Parque
Porto, Portugal
Azure Networking is fundamental in Azure IaaS and the first step in moving or extending your DataCenter to cloud. This session covers all aspects of Azure Networking, from IP addresses, VNets, to P2S, S2S and ExpressRoute connections. We discuss how IP addresses are assigned, how to reserve IP addresses, the difference between IP address types, create VNet/subnet, assign new VM to your VNet/subnet, connect your local network to VNet, connection between different VNets, connect VNet on different subscriptions, and more. Every step is covered in live demo and real-world examples.
14/09/2024, Algebra
Zagreb, Croatia
Great, it was due time that something finally replaces “digital transformation” as a new buzzword that it is leaking out of our ears. Now, it is time for AI to take its place. Artificial Intelligence or, AI, is a new popular buzzword these days, and its likely that it will stay like that for some time. Meanwhile, AI is everywhere: on washing machines, cereals have AI on boxes, sinks and welding machines have AI stickers as well (perhaps to sell better) and – while almost everyone has heard about AI by now – rarely people know really and truly about what AI is. It is time to demystify and explain security in AI, what are cybersecurity threats by using AI, what security issues AI hides, how criminals and attackers leverage AI in getting to your private and corporate data, and what are risks in using AI for personal uses and in corporate environments. Of course, we will show good and useful side of AI medal: how to stay use AI at your and your companies’ advantage while staying secure.
30/08/2024, IT Park Osijek
Osijek, Croatia
Cloud i digitalna transformacija donose mnogo prednosti ali i razne izazove. Jedan od ovih izazova je kako osigurati resurse i informacije. Stvari nisu vise u 'nasa cetiri zida'. Gotovo sve je javno dostupno sa bilo koje lokacije u svijetu. Razgovarat cemo koje alate i procese koristiti kako bi osigurali svoje cloud resurse - od Azure Active Directory, preko NSG, ACL, WAF, RBAC i enkripcije, do naprednih alata kao Azure Security Center i Azure Sentinel. Pridruzite se strucnjacima koji su dizajnirali security rjesenja za kompanije sirom svijeta. Do kraja workshop-a, moci cete da odmah primjenite nauceno i sa sigurnoscu krenete u cloud!
30/08/2024, IT Park Osijek
Osijek, Croatia
In software development, we like to recognize good choices and identify them as patterns. This leads into implementing these patterns as best practices. But as we have good choices, we have bad choices as well. We identify them as antipatterns in order to avoid them in future projects. If you identify them in time, you can avoid them on your next project. Come and check what warning signs you need to look for!
01/06/2024, van der valk vianen
Vianen, Netherlands
Hunting malware and anomalies, catching attackers and intruders in the cloud requires different tools and techniques. Microsoft cloud is backed by powerful Artificial Intelligence platform and extensive logging capabilities – this is where we need to invest and sharpen up our skills to stay ahead of the cloud invaders. Join this session to see how to take advantage of the tools Microsoft 365 (and some in Azure, too), how to detect anomalous behaviour and respond to threats of the new era!
20/05/2024, Kompas Xnet
Ljubljana, Slovenia
In software development, we like to recognize good choices and identify them as patterns. This leads into implementing these patterns as best practices. But as we have good choices, we have bad choices as well. We identify them as antipatterns in order to avoid them in future projects. If you identify them in time, you can avoid them on your next project. Come and check what warning signs you need to look for!
20/05/2024, Kompas Xnet
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Security is integrated in every part of Azure but with shared responsibility model. Microsoft takes part of some security aspects and enables us to take care of the rest. Every Azure service has security features built in and we have services that are dedicated solely to security. Combining these features and services can bring to rock solid Azure tenant with no security holes. Come and see how to do it yourself and build safe Azure environment!
14/05/2024, Rheinmain Congresscenter
Wiesbaden, Germany
Welcome to European Cloud Summit!
18/04/2024, Garden City Hotel Konjic
Konjic, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Otvaranje konferencije
18/04/2024, Garden City Hotel Konjic
Konjic, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Welcome to Azure PowerClass where all tastes are satisfied. Join our Master Chefs, Mustafa Toroman (MVP) and Sasa Kranjac (MVP) who have been designing and creating Azure recipes for top companies around the world, for an all-day interactive tutorial. Starting with a solid foundation of IaaS and PaaS in Azure and the addition of some Hybrid Cloud. Into the mix, some Azure Networking and VMs to ensure all flavours are represented. Adding a handful of Azure App Service and a pinch of configuration, deployment slots and monitoring with the exotic taste of App Insight. A cup of Azure SQL databases along with Cosmo DB and Azure Storage Accounts, data is everything. Just to be safe, a healthy dose of Azure Active Directory. On top of that, at teaspoon of ‘serverless’ with Azure Functions. At the end the ‘secret’ ingredient, DevOps, including everyone’s favourites Visual Studio and Git which perfectly compliment Azure.
18/04/2024, Garden City Hotel Konjic
Konjic, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Zatvaranje konferencije
09/04/2024, Irving Convention Center at Las Colinas
Irving, United States of America
Cloud has many possibilities but also many traps. And believe us, we've seen it all. From huge bills, over wrong tools to security incidents... And any combination of it. Join us and see what the most common mistakes are and what to avoid on your journey to the Cloud.
09/04/2024, Irving Convention Center at Las Colinas
Irving, United States of America
SecDevOps or DevSecOps? Call it whatever you want but you need to address security NOW! In DevOps, security is often neglected. Increasingly more companies are recognizing this problem and trying to address it. But the thing is, it doesn't have to be a problem to start with. Security aligns with DevOps culture and if we do things correctly, we can create amazing secure application. In this session we'll talk about where to get started and what to consider when including security into your processes.
29/11/2023, CineStar Arena IMAX Zagreb
Zagreb, Croatia
Cloud has many possibilities but also many traps. And believe us, we've seen it all. From huge bills, over wrong tools to security incidents... And any combination of it. Join us and see what the most common mistakes are and what to avoid on your journey to the Cloud.
25/11/2023, ISCTE-IUL, Edifício II, Piso 1 Av. das Forças Armadas, 1649-026 Lisboa
Lisboa, Portugal
Hunting malware and anomalies, catching attackers and intruders in the cloud requires different tools and techniques. Microsoft cloud is backed by powerful Artificial Intelligence platform and extensive logging capabilities – this is where we need to invest and sharpen up our skills to stay ahead of the cloud invaders. Join this session to see how to take advantage of the tools Microsoft 365 (and some in Azure, too), how to detect anomalous behaviour and respond to threats of the new era!
21/10/2023, BluePoint Brussels-Conference & Business Centre
Brussel, Belgium
Microsoft 365 is a complex environment and secure by design, but in a shared responsibility model we must do our part as well. Find out about the absolute must-have top 10 ways to secure your Microsoft 365 environment and data - tighten the Microsoft 365 security belt in under an hour!
18/10/2023, Neum
Neum, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Cloud has many possibilities but also many traps. And believe us, we've seen it all. From huge bills, over wrong tools to security incidents... And any combination of it. Join us and see what the most common mistakes are and what to avoid on your journey to the Cloud.
07/10/2023, Schuberg Philis
Schiphol-Rijk, Netherlands
Security is integrated in every part of Azure but with shared responsibility model. Microsoft takes part of some security aspects and enables us to take care of the rest. Every Azure service has security features built in and we have services that are dedicated solely to security. Combining these features and services can bring to rock solid Azure tenant with no security holes. Come and see how to do it yourself and build safe Azure environment!
25/09/2023, Portoroz
Portoroz, Slovenia
Cloud has many possibilities but also many traps. And believe us, we've seen it all. From huge bills, over wrong tools to security incidents... And any combination of it. Join us and see what the most common mistakes are and what to avoid on your journey to the Cloud.
25/09/2023, Portoroz
Portoroz, Slovenia
Azure Networking is fundamental in Azure IaaS and the first step in moving or extending your DataCenter to cloud. This session covers all aspects of Azure Networking, from IP addresses, VNets, to P2S, S2S, and ExpressRoute connections. We discuss how IP addresses are assigned, how to reserve IP addresses, the difference between IP address types, creating VNet/subnet, assigning a new VM to your VNet/subnet, connecting your local network to VNet, a connection between different VNets, connecting VNet on different subscriptions, and more. Every step is covered in live demos and real-world examples.
01/09/2023, Didin Konak Kopačevo
Kopačevo, Croatia
According to Gartner “Cloud Strategy Leadership” study, “Organizations that do not have a high-level cloud strategy driven by their business strategy will significantly increase their risk of failure and wasted investment.” You don’t want that to happen to you and your organization, do you? The Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure is a full lifecycle framework that enables cloud architects, IT professionals, and business decision makers to achieve their cloud adoption goals. Following best practices for the Cloud Adoption Framework allows your organization to better align business and technical strategies and ensure success. Join this workshop to see have a better picture of how it can help you on your cloud journey!
01/09/2023, Didin Konak Kopačevo
Kopačevo, Croatia
Cloud and digital transformation brings many advantages but has it’s challenges as well. One of those challenges is how to secure our resources and data. Everything isn’t in our local datacenter and behind our firewall. Services are more exposed to access over internet. In this Masterclass, we will discuss what tools and processes to use to secure your cloud and protect your data and resources - from Azure Active Directory, over NSGs, ACLs, WAFs, RBAC and encryption to using Azure Security Center. Join real experts and professionals , who design security solutions for companies around the world, to help you stay safe in cloud. By the end of the course, you’ll be able to apply what you have learned and be more confident and secure in your cloud journey.
01/09/2023, Didin Konak Kopačevo
Kopačevo, Croatia
SecDevOps or DevSecOps? Call it whatever you want but you need to address security NOW! In DevOps, security is often neglected. Increasingly more companies are recognizing this problem and trying to address it. But the thing is, it doesn't have to be a problem to start with. Security aligns with DevOps culture and if we do things correctly, we can create amazing secure application. In this session we'll talk about where to get started and what to consider when including security into your processes.
27/07/2023, Berlin
Berlin, Germany
Building new application in the Cloud can be a challenge. What services do we use? What are our options? How do we set up everything? Have we done everything right, have we overlooked something? Million questions come to mind. Microsoft Azure Well-Architected Framework is a set of guidelines that can steer us in the right direction and create best possible solution. Do you want help to design your next solution or double check what was already done in existing projects? Look no further and join this session!
01/07/2023, Algebra
Zagreb, Croatia
Diskusija na temu IT community-a. Ova konferencija je organizirana kroz IT Community u Europi. Buduće vizije i razvoj... -- Discussion on the subject of the IT community. This conference is organized through the IT Community in Europe. Future visions and development...
01/07/2023, Algebra
Zagreb, Croatia
The attacks are getting increasingly sophisticated, and the tools used until now might not be enough to detect and investigate threats. Fortunately, there is a powerful, AI-powered tool available to increase data security across your enterprise. Attend this session to learn how Microsoft Sentinel protects your cloud and hybrid workloads, and get practical guidance into detecting and responding to threats and elevate organizational security to a higher level. This session's mott is: Almost no slides - All Demo!
10/06/2023, van der valk vianen
Vianen, Netherlands
There is no “Big Red Security Button” to push or “Giant Security Lever” to pull, but there are so many big and small, but significant, functionalities and features to activate and configure, to improve Microsoft 365 security posture. Whether you are a small, medium-size organisation or an enterprise, this session is packed with security tips and tricks for everyone: from Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Defender and Office 365 to Microsoft 365 plans, Information Protection, Identity and much more! Join the session, make yourselves comfortable and relax - attend this feature-packet session and get a head-start in configuring and increasing your Microsoft 365 security stance!
29/05/2023, Postojna
Postojna, Slovenia
Securing data and resources of Azure cloud begins with an understanding of what to ensure and how to get it right. An Azure security assessment is the way to establish that foundational knowledge.
29/05/2023, Postojna
Postojna, Slovenia
Cloud has many possibilities but also many traps. And believe us, we've seen it all. From huge bills, over wrong tools to security incidents... And any combination of it. Join us and see what the most common mistakes are and what to avoid on your journey to the Cloud
22/05/2023, Congress Center Düsseldorf
Düsseldorf, Germany
Welcome to the 10th Anniversary of European Collaboration Summit!
22/05/2023, Congress Center Düsseldorf
Düsseldorf, Germany
Thanks for attending the European Collaboration Summit!
12/05/2023, Congress Center Hotel Hills
Ilidža, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Zatvaranje konferencije
12/05/2023, Congress Center Hotel Hills
Ilidža, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Otvaranje konferencije
12/05/2023, Congress Center Hotel Hills
Ilidža, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Jedna od najvecih prednosti koju donosi Microsoft Azure je veliki broj servisa koje mozemo odabrati. Ali ogroman broj servisa moze dovesti i do problema. Sta da odaberemo, sta treba izbjeci? Da li da koristimo IaaS ili PaaS? Ili serverless? Koji tip baze podataka? Azure SQL, Managed Instance ili nesto trece? Mozda Azure Cosmos DB? Na osnovu godina iskustva i stotina projekata u cloud-u, ovo predavanje ce ponuditi najbolje prakse, kako izbjeci uobicajene zamke i napraviti rjesenja sa dobrim temeljima!
26/11/2022, Microsoft Portugal
Lisboa, Portugal
Active Directory (Azure AD) is Microsoft’s multi-tenant, cloud based directory and identity management service. It's also new boundary layer for security and everyone is using it. But it brings many questions like how to set up perfect hybrid environment, what should we sync, should we use MFA, should we allow access to external users... In this session, we will discuss what are do's and don't's extracted from experience from the field.
26/11/2022, Microsoft Portugal
Lisboa, Portugal
Hunting malware and anomalies, catching attackers and intruders in the cloud requires different tools and techniques. Microsoft cloud is backed by powerful Artificial Intelligence platform and extensive logging capabilities – this is where we need to invest and sharpen up our skills to stay ahead of the cloud invaders. Join this session to see how to take advantage of the tools Microsoft 365 (and some in Azure, too), how to detect anomalous behaviour and respond to threats of the new era!
02/09/2022, Stara Pekara - Osijek
Osijek, Croatia
Welcome to Azure PowerClass where all tastes are satisfied. Join our Master Chefs, Mustafa Toroman (MVP) and Sasa Kranjac (MVP) who have been designing and creating Azure recipes for top companies around the world, for an all-day interactive tutorial. Starting with a solid foundation of IaaS and PaaS in Azure and the addition of some Hybrid Cloud. Into the mix, some Azure Networking and VMs to ensure all flavours are represented. Adding a handful of Azure App Service and a pinch of configuration, deployment slots and monitoring with the exotic taste of App Insight. A cup of Azure SQL databases along with Cosmo DB and Azure Storage Accounts, data is everything. Just to be safe, a healthy dose of Azure Active Directory. On top of that, at teaspoon of ‘serverless’ with Azure Functions. At the end the ‘secret’ ingredient, DevOps, including everyone’s favourites Visual Studio and Git which perfectly compliment Azure.
02/09/2022, Stara Pekara - Osijek
Osijek, Croatia
Cloud and digital transformation brings many advantages but has it’s challenges as well. One of those challenges is how to secure our resources and data. Everything isn’t in our local datacenter and behind our firewall. Services are more exposed to access over internet. In this Masterclass, we will discuss what tools and processes to use to secure your cloud and protect your data and resources - from Azure Active Directory, over NSGs, ACLs, WAFs, RBAC and encryption to using Azure Security Center. Join real experts and professionals , who design security solutions for companies around the world, to help you stay safe in cloud. By the end of the course, you’ll be able to apply what you have learned and be more confident and secure in your cloud journey.
02/09/2022, Stara Pekara - Osijek
Osijek, Croatia
Are you aware of Azure security architecture and best practices? Sure, Azure is designed with security in mind but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do your best to protect your workloads, data and services in The Cloud and know about its security features and tools. Don't worry, because this feature-packed session will help you understand and control security features of your Azure environment. Join and learn how to make Azure environment more secure, apply correct Azure security features and capabilities and implement appropriate tools and practices. Understand Azure security architecture and control security in networking and virtual machines, secure identities and correctly use appropriate management and monitoring solutions to increase security in Azure and more!