I am a Trusted Security Advisor employed at Onevinn, a leading corporate specializing in providing cutting-edge Microsoft security solutions. My primary objective is assisting organisations in navigating the terrain of Intune, ensuring they obtain an optimal and highly secure user experience. I specialize in products such as Microsoft Intune and Microsoft Defender XDR. I actively showcase the power of automation through my dedicated blog, located at: https://rockenroll.tech I am a dual Microsoft MVP: * Security (Microsoft Intune) * Windows and Devices (Windows) I have spoken at events such as: * Workplace Ninja Virtual Event * HTMD * Endpoint Management Summit * TechMentor Orlando * Live 360 Orlando * MMUGSE, Microsoft Reactor * Modern Endpoint Management Summit * NIC * India Cloud Security Summit * Experts Live Denmark * AVD Tech Fest * Cloud Technology Townhall Tallinn * Workplace Ninja NL Connect * MC2MC Connect