Adis Jugo GmbH
The Story about Building a SaaS Product: From Frustration to Creation

Session Abstract

Join us for a candid look behind the scenes at, the platform that has become essential for many event organizers worldwide who want to manage their events efficiently. Taking the road less traveled, without relying on outside funding and with a dedicated, compact team, was what formed into its current state. Our reliance on the robust Microsoft Azure public cloud platform (we'll share why we eliminated the last two AWS services from our architecture only a few weeks ago), a focus on user experience, and the integration of automation workflows have been the foundation of what is today, enabling us to serve a global audience. In this session, we'll share the architectural, developmental, technological, and emotional challenges encountered while building the platform. We'll discuss the good and not-so-good decisions. We will discuss how our first European Collaboration Summit taught us that standard Azure load testing isn't always sufficient, leading us to scale our Azure SQL Server to the max to get through the event (which we did!). We'll also talk about why you should be in Microsoft for Startups program during the initial development and early go-to-market stages of building a SaaS product, and how being in that program has saved our money and our skin. :) To wrap up, we'll provide some insights into where we are now, the challenges we're currently facing and how we're addressing them, our ideas for the future, and how Microsoft taught us that a bug in production is not the end of the world. :)

Note to event organizers

In essence, a very serious session, where we will talk about lessons learned and all the mistakes that we have made in a somewhat humourous way :)

Adis Jugo

Creator, lead architect, and mastermind at An Information Technology professional with 30 years of professional experience, Event Tech specialist, Event Organizer, and Public Speaker with over 400 public speaking sessions in the past 25 years. A Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) for Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Azure, and a Microsoft Regional Director. Spiritus movens at CollabSummit and CloudSummit. Firmly believes in leading by example and motivation. Lives beside the oldest vineyard in the Rhine valley. Prefers collecting stories to collecting possessions. Can make his wife and kids laugh anytime.

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