Damir Dizdarevic
Logosoft doo
Chief Executive Officer
Bosnia and Herzegovina

CEO @ Logosoft d.o.o. Sarajevo

Damir Dizdarević is a longtime, and highly rated, lecturer on almost all Microsoft and community conferences in the eastern Europe region. He has over 22 years of IT experience, mostly with Microsoft platforms. He specializes in Identity Management, Security and Server Platforms. He is the author of numerous MOC courses in the field of server and cloud platforms, as well as professional articles in domestic and foreign magazines. He is holding an MVP title for 17 years, and since 2017 Damir is awarded as Microsoft Regional Director, one of only 160 people worldwide. Currently, he is working as a CEO of Logosoft d.o.o. Sarajevo, one of the largest IT companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina. He occasionally writes blog articles at dizdarevic.ba/ddamirblog.

Session Portfolio
Current Sessions Delivered by Damir
New generation of cyber attacks and what businesses should know about that

Compared to 2 years ago, the number of cyber-attacks increased by 300%. For things to be even worse, the percentage of successful attacks is rapidly increasing. What has changed? Why traditional tools are not effective anymore? And how should we think about security today? In this session, we will discuss these topics, provide some real-life examples, and emphasize aspects of cyber security that are important for BDMs.

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Microsoft Copilot for Security - what's up and what's down?

Microsoft Copilot for Security jedan je od najzanimljivijih alata temeljenih na umjetnoj inteligenciji, kada je u pitanju sigurnost. Integriše se sa Microsoft Defenderom, Intuneom kao i brojnim drugim cloud servisima koji su orijentisani na sigurnost. Microsoft Copilot for Security donosi novi pogled na analitiku, prevenciju i zaštitu organizacija, ali sa sobom nosi i neke kompromise. U ovoj ćemo sesiji istražiti ovaj alat i razgovarati o tome ko bi ga trebao koristiti, kao i o tome kako pomoću njega možete poboljšati sigurnosno stanje u vašoj organizaciji.

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Communications / Electronics
Computer Software
Telecom Services & Equipment
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