Igor Macori
Green Team - FAR Networks Group
CEO - Modern Work Strategist

Around SharePoint rotates a bigger part of my working life (and not only working). I professionaly deal with consulting and training related to the world of technologies since 1991. I follow both some architectural aspects within the Modern Workplace projects (SharePoint and Microsoft 365) and the coordination of a fantastic team of specialists within Green Team (www.greenteam.it) I am a regular speaker during events and technical conferences dedicated to Microsoft technologies and to the world of Intranet and Portals solutions since 1998, and I also am one of the founders and organizers of italian Microsoft SharePoint Conference since its birth in 2007. I am author of about twenty books and I am Community Leader of italian community dedicated to Microsoft 365. I am awarded Microsoft MVP since 2008, previously for SharePoint Server category and now for Office Servers and Services; since 1998 I'm Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT). Since 2022 I have assumed the role of CEO and Modern Work Strategist of Green Team.

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