Nuno Árias Silva
Solutions Architect Manager

MVP Office Apps and Services

Solutions Architect Manager at Inetum – Modern Workplace Lead – Microsoft Solutions Architect – MVP 365 Apps and Services, MCT Regional Lead and MCT at Inetum (Microsoft Gold Partner) for Microsoft Office 365, Exchange, Private Cloud, Infrastructure, Active Directory, SQL and Auditing Microsoft Products, support at pre-sales and sales areas. Specialist in Office 365, with a focus on Exchange, Virtualization and System Center: With more than 20 years’ experience in Datacenter Architectures, Nuno has 40+ certifications (MCT, MCSE, MCITP, MCSA, and MCTS among others). Experience in enterprise environments: He has worked in several industries, including Aerospace, Transportation, Energy, Manufacturing, Financial Services, Government, Health Care, Telecoms and IT Services, Gas-Oil companies in different countries and continents. Assisted Microsoft in the development of workshops and special events and case studies, and as a speaker at several Microsoft events. Contributes to several articles and publications in various blogs and communities. Author of Office 365 Essentials Book.

Session Portfolio
Current Sessions Delivered by Nuno
AI Intro: How to use Human AI in presentations

A how-to presentation live learning how to use technologies to help show presentations live using Artificial Intelligence. Next Generation Presentations Using Teams Using PowerPoint To leverage the presentation to the next level. How to present to an inclusive audience

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Extend your Active Directory to Azure

The attendees get the following take away points from this session: • Extending an on-premise Windows Server Active Directory ( AD ) infrastructure into the cloud is an important topic to consider when planning the migration or implementation of cloud-based applications Features Covered: • Many existing applications require Active Directory for authentication and identity management. • When migrating applications to the cloud, having a locally accessible Active Directory is an important factor to ensuring that AD authentication is fast and reliable. Session Objectives: • How to implement • What are the architectures • Using best practices

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