Sven Sieverding
team neusta
Office 365 Consultant
Workshop: From zero to Canvas App: Everything a new Developer needs to know

Session Abstract

In this 4h Workshop I will present the basic knowledge, strategies and best practices a new developer needs to know to create a canvas app. We will also talk about how to deploy and manage these apps. This is not meant for new citizen developers but for developers with some IT background that want to know the basics about PowerApps.

Note to event organizers

This is a 4h Workshop

Sven Sieverding

I am both a SharePoint developer and consultant @teamneusta with over 15 years of experience with creating collaboration and modern workspace solutions using Microsoft tools. My favorite quote is "When all you have is a Hammer, everything looks like a Nail"(Abraham Maslow) Why? Because our world is complex. And a single tool or a narrow perspective won't help with complex problems. So, i think that lifelong learning, trying new technologies and talking about them to others are extremely important things.

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