🎓Certified ScrumMaster to make work and mindset more agile for me and my customers 🎓 Bachelor Professional for Project Organisation (CCI) (geprüfter IT-Projektleiter) in 2019 🌇 Regensburg, Germany with a passion for agile work, hybrid project management, cloud transformation, and Microsoft cloud 💪🏽 Hybrid and agile project management 💪🏽 Modern & hybrid workplace, Microsoft Teams, and cloud enthusiast 💪🏽 Project Manager and Productivity Consultant 💪🏽 Team player, agile work, open and creative mind
Learn common and real use cases with Teams Premium to get more than what you pay for it! We'll discover common personas in Copilot and see how ROI looks on that and go deeper into low-key AI cases that you can implement in your organization right away!
Read moreMicrosoft Planner get's a big update in Q2 2024 including the integration of Project for the web and Microsoft ToDo. We'll also get a Copilot in Planner. I'll show you all the new and existing tips and tricks and how you can be more effective, in your day-to-day task operations!
Read more23/09/2024
Rheingoldhalle Mainz
Mainz, Germany
Hamburg, Germany
Microsoft Polska
Warszawa, Poland
Schuppen Eins
Bremen, Germany