Joergen Schladot
Avanade Deutschland GmbH

Dynamics 365 & Power Platform Solution Architect

For the past 14 years Joergen has been working in the CRM business area. Starting as a functional consultant with strong interest in new features and functionalities, he also presented the whole Dynamics 365 CE application stack as a Presales Consultant. Moving forward he became a Solution Architect focusing on Dynamics 365 CE applications and possibilities to enhance the Model Driven application world with Power Platform functionalities and integrate with ERP. Very early Joergen started participating in Microsoft, partner, and community events and since the beginning of 2020 he actively engages in the community by co-organizing events and sharing his knowledge on LinkedIn, blog posts and as a speaker. Part of organizing teams: - Deutschland Powerthon 2021 & 2022 - DACH Powerthon 2023 & 2024 - Global Power Platform Bootcamp 2022 & 2023 - Dynamics 365 Meetup Deutschland (monthly since 2020)

Build your own Dataverse data model – understand data types, relationship and security

Build your applications on a strong foundation - the Dataverse. Learn about the building blocks that are available as part of Dataverse. Understand the Power of the Common Data Model, Entity Relationship Diagrams and how to leverage data types and relationships as part of Dataverse to build a solid data model. By the end of this session, you have achieved an understanding about different data type columns available in Dataverse like Lookup, Choice, Rollup, Calculated and PowerFX columns. In addition, we will have a closer look on the different available relationships and how you can customize these by adding and enhancing mappings, renaming relationships, and understanding relationship behavior. Finally, we will be using the data model to show how easy it is to create a first Model Driven App.

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Unleashing the Power of Dynamics 365 and Power Platform with Community Tools like XRMToolbox

In the landscape of CRM technologies, community tools like XRMToolbox, Level Up, PCF Gallery are enhancing the functionality and efficiency of Microsoft Dynamics 365 and the Power Platform. This session is designed to provide Dynamics 365 professionals, users, and IT consultants with a comprehensive understanding of the capabilities of these tools. In this session we will guide you through the various options of the community tools and cover a range of topics, including an introduction to XRMToolbox, its installation and setup, and an exploration of its most powerful tools. Participants will learn how to customize Dynamics 365 more efficiently, streamline data management, and enhance their overall CRM strategy using this and other versatile tools. The session aims not only to present slides but also to provide practical, hands-on experience. Attendees will leave with actionable insights and the confidence to implement these tools in their own environments, driving efficiency and innovation in their organizations.

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Dataverse love PowerFx - from Canvas Apps to Server-Side Low Code Plugins

Power Fx, the language of the Power Platform, is becoming increasingly important alongside Canvas Apps and Custom Pages. With Modern Commands in Model Driven Apps and Power Fx Columns in Dataverse, two other areas using Power FX are already generally available. And with Low Code Plugins, the next interesting area of ​​application is now in preview. Plugins themselves are nothing new in the Power Platform, as server-side plugins based on .Net are already an established part of Pro Dev implementations based on the Power Platform or Dynamics 365 CE modules. In this session, we will look at the different Power FX application options using a few examples and especially compare low code and pro code plugin capabilities.

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Dataverse liebt PowerFX - von Canvas Apps bis Server Side Low Code Plugins

Power Fx die Sprache der Power Platform gewinnt neben Canvas Apps uns Custom Pages immer mehr an Bedeutung. Mit Modern Commands in Model Driven Apps und Power Fx Columns in Dataverse sind bereits zwei weitere Einsatzgebiete von Power FX generell verfügbar. Und mit Low Code Plugins ist nun der nächste interessante Einsatzbereich im Preview. Plugins an sich sind nichts neues in der Power PLatform, da Server Side Plugins basierend auf .Net bereits ein etablierter Bestandteil von Pro Dev Implementierungen auf Basis der Power Platform oder Dynamics 365 CE Modulen sind. In dieser Session schauen wir uns gemeinsam die unterschiedlichen Power FX Einsatzmöglichkeiten anhand einiger Beispiele an und werfen insbesondere einen Blick auf die unterschiedlichen Möglichkeiten von Low Code und Pro Code Plugins.

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Data Modelling - Best Practices in Dataverse (für Power Platform und Dynamics 365)

In jeder Dataverse Umgebung existiert bereits ein Standard-Datenmodell – auch bekannt als Common Data Model, das mehrere Tabellen, Felder und Beziehungen zwischen den Tabellen enthält. Mit jeder Dynamics Applikation wie Sales, Customer Service, Marketing usw. wird dieses bestehende Datenmodell um viele Komponenten erweitert, die einerseits Optionen, andererseits aber auch Einschränkungen mitbringen. Zudem wird das Datenmodell um verschiedene Kunden- und Projektspezifische Tabellen und Spalten erweitert. In dieser Session werden wir gemeinsam einen Blick darauf werfen, welche Möglichkeiten zur Verfügung stehen, das Datenmodell und die Beziehungen zwischen den Tabellen zu erweitern und was dabei zu beachten ist. Zudem wollen wir uns gemeinsam die neue Funktionalität im Bereich Dataverse Datenmodellierung anschauen, die es seit der MS Build 2024 gibt: Erstellung eines neuen Datenmodells per Copilot, dieses als Entity Relationship Diagramm zu visualisieren und manuell zu erweitern.

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