Marc Michault
Sidem Systems Solutions

The Alpine Geek

Marc is a typical specimen of an “Alpine Geek” (Nerdus Alpinus), having delivered courses in two languages and multiple countries for over 25 years, but living in a three-hundred year old chalet in the Swiss Alps that only got broadband Internet in 2009. He works with Microsoft subsidiaries, particularly around Partner Readiness, presents at various Microsoft conferences (TechED, TechDays, MCT Summits) and was the longest-serving member of the MCT Advisory Council. He currently serves the Microsoft Certified Trainer community as the MCT Regional Lead for Switzerland.

Session Portfolio
Current Sessions Delivered by Marc
An overview of Dynamics 365 as your next portfolio

A couple of years ago, Marc certified on Dynamics 365 Fundamentals "for fun". Little did he know that this would become the new portfolio he would deliver to a number of students. If you have ever wondered about the Dynamics 365 platforms, the course portfolio around them and whether this might be something you might want to get into, this session will cover the three main platforms, their associated courses and the audience they attract.

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Marc can deliver sessions in
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Communications / Electronics
Computer Software
Teachers / Education
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