Paolo Pialorsi
Solution Architect

Solution Architect @

Solution architect, trainer, and author who specializes in architecting, designing, and developing Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Azure-based enterprise solutions. Works in a company of his own that he founded in 1999 ( Has a great deal of experience on Microsoft 365, Microsoft Azure, Microsoft SharePoint, and Microsoft Teams, and security from a developer point of view. Is a Microsoft Certified Solutions Master – Charter SharePoint, as well as a Microsoft MVP in Microsoft 365 Development. He is also a regular speaker at international IT conferences. He spoke at Microsoft TechEd Europe, the European SharePoint Conference, the SharePoint Conference in the USA, the Microsoft 365 Conference in the USA, Microsoft Ignite, Microsoft Inspire, and many other IT conferences worldwide. Author for Microsoft Press of 8 books about Microsoft .NET, Microsoft Windows, Microsoft SharePoint, Microsoft Graph and Azure Active Directory, and Microsoft 365. Also wrote 3 Italian-language books about .NET, XML and Web Services. Since January 2015, Paolo is a proud member of Microsoft 365 PnP (

Session Portfolio
Current Sessions Delivered by Paolo
What's new with Microsoft Viva Connections Dashboard and Adaptive Card Extensions

After more than two years from the release of Microsoft Viva Connections, it is now time to understand how the Viva Connections Dashboard can be extended with Adaptive Card Extensions (ACEs). In fact, the Dashboard can be extended with no code, low code, or pro code techniques targeting both desktop and mobile experiences. In this session you will dig into all these options and see how you can easily build real-life solutions. You will learn what ACEs are, how to create them (with low code or with SharePoint Framework), and how to use ACEs to build enterprise-ready solutions. You will also learn what the latest news are in the fields of customizing Viva Connections Dashboard. If you like to work in the fields of Microsoft Viva extensibility, you can’t miss this session. The session targets makers and client-side developers who want to understand how to work with Microsoft Viva Connections and ACEs.

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Extending Microsoft Teams with the Microsoft Teams Toolkit

The Microsoft Teams Toolkit is a modern extension for Visual Studio Code that allows you to develop, deploy, and maintain solutions for Microsoft Teams and Microsoft 365 in general. In this session, you will learn how to build Teams tabs, message extension, bot, etc. You will understand how a teams extension is structured, how you can deploy it on multiple environments (local, dev, test, prod), and how you can manage the lifecycle of a Teams solution. Generally speaking, by attending this session you will collect information and ideas that you need to become a good Microsoft Teams developer. The target audience of this session is developers willing to learn how to extend Microsoft Teams and to discover what the Teams extensibility options are.

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