Sandra Kiel
Event Punks GmbH
Managing Director

Managing Director

Sandra Kiel describes herself as an innovation nerd, disruptive implementer or atmospheric scientist, depending on what's on her mind. As a self-confessed multi-talent, she usually has a lot and a variety on her plate. Her motto: "I'm impatient - please accept that" sums it up all the more. She is a project and event manager with heart and soul and has been designing in various (IT) projects for over 15 years - across all sectors and almost always with a strong impact on the organisations. Her focus is not so much on the technical excellence of implementing a new solution. Rather, she is dedicated to the processes and the people behind the processes. She develops and empowers communities and thinks of digitisation from the perspective of people, and likes to discuss this question intensively: How do we want to live and work in the future and what significance does work have for us, so that we can give digitisation its meaning and its true effectiveness. Today, she also likes to found a start-up and works as a coach, mentor and consultant to pass on her experience and knowledge. But also to show that a certain attitude and a good dose of courage are necessary to break out of the classic working models and ways of thinking.

Sandra + Kiel

Meet Sandra next at

CollabDays Bremen 2025


Session Portfolio
Current Sessions Delivered by Sandra
Beyond Boundaries: Empowering Neurodiverse Teams with Microsoft Mesh

About one in 8 people is considered neurodiverse, and this number is even higher in technology-related companies. This makes it all the more important to create a diverse and inclusive working environment that enables all employees to perform their tasks in the best possible way. In this session, we will explore how Microsoft Mesh can support teams in integrating and promoting the unique talents and perspectives of neurodiverse individuals. We will demonstrate how the 3D immersive communication and personalized space design of Microsoft Mesh create a more inclusive work environment that considers diverse neurological needs. We will present practical examples and case studies illustrating the benefits of this technology in supporting neurodiverse teams. The aim of this session is to foster a deep understanding of how technology can serve as a catalyst for inclusion and diversity, especially in a professional environment that increasingly relies on remote work and digital collaboration. We aim to stimulate a discussion that goes beyond conventional approaches and shows new ways to integrate neurodiverse talents into the workplace. This session is ideal for executives, HR professionals, team leaders, and anyone interested in the intersection of technology, teamwork, and inclusion.

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OneNote - 10 Produktivitätshacks

Entdeckt mit mir zusammen in dieser dynamischen Session, wie ihr mit OneNote eure Produktivität upgraden könnt. Wir decken praktische Hacks und unbekannte Funktionen auf, mit denen Notizen effizienter gestaltet, Informationen blitzschnell organisiert und eure täglichen Arbeitsabläufe optimieren könnt. Egal, ob Einsteiger oder erfahrener Nutzer , diese Tipps und Tricks werden euch helfen, OneNote maximal zu nutzen, um eure Ziele schneller und einfacher zu erreichen. Neben einer Hand voll Hacks gibt es auch ein paar Integration Use Cases in M365 - es soll ja nicht langweilig werden. Packt als euer Notebook ein, wir steigen tief ein. Mitmachen garantiert den maximalen Wissensgewinn.

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Sandra can deliver sessions in
Relevant industries
Business Services
Computer Software
Universities & Schools
Finance / Credit Companies
Retail Sales
Sport Equipment
Teachers / Education
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