Rebecka Isaksson
KnowFlow Value
KM Expert | CEO & Founder

KM Expert | Founder

Rebecka is an experienced and visionary thought leader, with a passion for technology, people, and behaviour. Her specialty lies within people and culture change, and providing guidance for how smart use of knowledge can generate significant business value, when powered responsibly and ethically by AI-technology. In addition to running KnowFlow Value, she is an active member and peer mentor in SIKM Leaders Community, a global community of KM-practitioners and experts, and a CommunityManager & Evangelist at IntraTeam. She is a frequent keynote speaker at global events and conferences, and a sought-after guest on panels discussing relevant topics on how AI-technology accelerates and magnifies the value of KM strategies and solutions. As the former Director of Knowledge Management, and Product Marketing Manager for Content AI at Microsoft corporate headquarters, she has spent the last 10+ years working with organisations world-wide as an industry expert on Knowledge Management. In July 2024 she was awarded the Microsoft MVP status, for M365 Apps & Services/SharePoint.

Rebecka + Isaksson

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CollabDays Poland 2025


Session Portfolio
Current Sessions Delivered by Rebecka
From Social Clubs to Strategy - Unleashing True Business Value from Communities

When people talk about Viva Engage, they often talk about “Communities” and “Communities in Viva”, but what are Communities (of Practice, a.k.a. CoPs) really? And what are the benefits for us as individuals of spending time building communities? What is the potential business value to our customers, or to our peers, teams, and Organisations? Isn’t it all just a social club and yet another soulless social media-type trend which will fade away? And, at the end of the day, isn’t it just another distraction and a complete and utter waste of time and (our employer’s) money? In this session we will learn the basics of what CoPs are, how they work (and don’t work), when and why they work – and how they can become a great source of inspiration, innovation, and creativity, improve employee satisfaction, growth, and wellbeing, and enhance both productivity and profitability. Too good to be true? No, it isn’t. because it will not come for free – it will take vision, work, and perseverance but it will be worth every penny and every minute spent as soon as you start reaping the benefits!

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From ECM to EKM - or Why Content Governance Isn't Enough Anymore

Good content governance is hard to achieve in any organisation and with Copilot and other AI services built into the fabric of every single app we use, everyday, it is getting harder by the minute! You can set out to define a solid Information Architecture, build your Taxonomy and define your Meta Data but does that really matter if no one knows about it and the people in your organisation does not understand why it matters and what's in it for them? By over-thinking these things we risk becoming inflexible and inadaptive. Rigid frameworks and well-defined process doesn't matter when your Teams environment is left unmanaged. It will blow a massive hole in any governance model when left unattended. And what about chat? Or e-mail? Or meeting invites and meeting notes? Is anyone looking after those at all? Do we fully comprehend the impact of over-sharing. Or under-sharing for that matter? In this interactive session, we will discuss together, the pros and cons of managing not only Content, but managing all (critical) Knowledge assets. And why Knowledge Governance and RBACs are just as important as Content Governance and managing your SharePoint(s) user permissions.

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